Thursday, April 16, 2015

Cross Training

Cross Training is growing every year by 'leaps and bounds', and it's here to stay, and a great way to get in top shape. You always want to be sure you have an instructor who is certified in conducting group fitness classes, and that they continue to mix up those classes to give you true cross training results and experience to benefit you for years to come. As always...consult a physician before starting any exercise regimen. Until next time... 'Work Hard, Stay Fit!'

If working full time wasn't hard enough, trying to keep up with your fitness is also important. Hitting the gym six days a week during conference calls and late nights might seem like an impossible task, but it doesn't have to be when you can bring the gym to you by learning about Cross Training.

What is Cross Training Where can you find it? What can it do for you? These are all questions many of us not familiar with this type of training are asking ourselves, and as Cross Training becomes more and more popular, so do the questions. So, in this article, we are going to explain what Cross Training is and some of the exercises you can expect to do with this type of training.

Cross Training is an effective way to get fit that just about anyone can do. It is a strength and conditioning program that is a constantly varied exercise regimen that consists of functional movements that are usually timed. The total workouts are usually short, 30 minutes or less (depending on the instructor), and do not require too much equipment, so you can do some of the exercises in the comfort of your home, or outside in the fresh air. Some of the benefits are enhanced weight loss, reduced risk of injury, and improved total fitness.

You will find hundreds of thousands worldwide doing some type of Cross Training, from kids, soccer moms, cops, grandmas, Navy Seals, amateur and professional athletes of all kinds, and many others are pushing themselves to their limit to become stronger, and much better conditioned individuals.

Here are a few great exercises:
Air Squat - You move from the standing position to a squatting position with the hips below the knees, and back to standing.

Box Jump - From a standing position on the floor, you jump and land with both feet on top of a box, and fully extend before returning to the floor. Typical box heights are 15'', 20'', 24'', and 30''.

Burpee - Beginning in a standing position, drop to the floor with the feet extending backwards. Touch the floor with the chest, and then pull the legs forward, landing in a squatting position before standing up, usually ending with a small jump.

Push Up - Starting in a plank position with the arms straight, lower your body until the chest makes contact with the ground, keeping the body straight throughout, nad push back up into the plank position.

Kettlebell Swing - Swing a kettlebell from between your legs to overhead, and back.

Running - Muster all the strength you have and make a run for it...literally. Typical distances range from 100 meters to 1 mile.

Double Under - With a jump rope, make two passes per jump instead of just one.

Walking Lunge - Breathing normally, step forward with your right foot, bending both knees so that your front knee is aligned over your ankle and your back knee comes close to the floor. Before your back knee touches the floor, push up with your back left leg, forcing the weight of your body through your right heel, simultaneously bringing your left foot together with your right foot. Without pausing, alternate legs.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Secrets From A Bride-To-Be on a Budget

According to the U.S. CensusBureau, the average couple gets married in their late 20s, which is not unusual to see, but there's another number that says those ready for marital bliss need to be aware of certain things before they say 'I do': like the budget. The average wedding costs about $30,000 and can put a damper on any bride-to-be's dream. Thanks to Pinterest, Facebook, and Etsy, we know what we want and we will do anything to get it. Today, compromising on the budget doesn't always have to mean compromising on taste.

The Venue
I Do: Local parks are a perfect location to have your wedding. Most permits and location fees are nominally priced, and you get the gorgeous surrounding of the natural element. Another great way to score a terrific venue is to ask family members and friends if they own property or an estate that could hold a wedding. You will be surprised by how easy it is to find out uncle Jim's best friend has the perfect waterfront property just waiting for your event.

I Don't: Private venues can be very expensive and come with a lot of stipulations. Don't let the beauty of the venue blind you from the real binding agreement: your contract. Try cutting costs by having a Friday or Sunday wedding, if any upscale venue is what you really want.

The Food
I Do: If you chose a park or a rental property, that gives you the freedom to choose any caterer in your area, including grandma. Otherwise, a buffet setting allows your guests to mingle and get to know each other, and you don't have to hire extra staff.

I Don't: Quality trumps quantity every time. If you can't afford dinner, and don't want to cut down on the guest list, another options is to have a brunch wedding, where the cost is significantly less than an evening reception. You can serve hor'derves and mimosas, and still have a great time. When it comes to your cake, opt for a one tier for you and your fiancee, and order a cupcake tower or cake pops for your guests.

Flowers & Decor
I Do: If you are having a wedding outside, let nature take care of it for you. If not, choose flowers that are in season, stick to just one or two kinds of flowers, or skip them all together and invest in other decor like lanterns and candles. Check discount online retailers. Oriental Trading Company has a large selection of wedding-themed merchandise.

I Don't: Don't spend n entire month on DIY projects if you plan on having a larger wedding. Sometimes it's worth budgeting for a florist that can give you the flowers you want in your budget,and also a peace of mind. Also, watch out for too many Etsy purchases. They can add up, and the next thing you know, you will blow your budget on something you can live without.

The Dress
I Do: Trunk shows offer great discounts on favorite designer gowns. Websites like and carry pre-owned bridal gowns for a quarter of the price. You can find a Vera Wang or a Monique Lhuillier for up to 80 percent off. Now that's a steal!

I Don't: Don't let the day overwhelm you. A lot of bridal shops work on commission, and will try to upsell you. Try as many dresses as you need, but stick to your budget.

The Entertainment
I Do: A DJ will most likely be less expensive than a band. Ask your DJ if you can pay in advance, many offer discounts for paying your entire fee upfront. By booking your wedding off-season, most companies charge up to 40 percent less than their regular price. Here's a tip: Many DJ's offer a lighting package that will cost less than a lighting company, so take advantage.

I Don't: Don't skip the band or the DJ. Besides celebrating the Bride and Groom, your guests are there to have fun. Many couples splurge on fancy invitations and decor, and forget about 4 hours of reception filled with static noise.

Every budget bride should always remember that the power of negotiating will go a long way in the wedding business. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Step Into the Light: The Benefits of Light Therapy

Think about how you feel after a day at the beach. Your skin glows and you feel more relaxed. This is due to the light the sun gives off. Of course, too much sun can be harmful to your skin and health. This is why light therapy is the way to go.

The infrared light used during light therapy has a stronger wavelength than regular light. This allows it to penetrate deeper into the skin, and provide many therapeutic benefits including improvements in the skin's appearance, moods, and relief from pain. The most common types of light therapy are Red Light and Blue Light.

Red Light Therapy repairs, renews, regenerates, and heals the skin and tissue. It also provides relief from pain and inflammation. With consistent use of Red Light Therapy, you can obtain younger, smoother looking skin. Blue Light Therapy does not penetrate as deeply as Red Light, but is able to kill the bacteria that causes acne. It heals blemishes without causing additional redness or inflammation.

According to the Mayo Clinic, during light therapy, you sit near a device called a light therapy box. The box gives off a bright light that mimics natural outdoor light.

Light therapy is used to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sun damage. The light also stimulates the production of ATP, an essential energy source used in the body tissues to promote rapid healing. Other benefits include: Relief of eczema, eliminates rosacea, lifts and tones skin, creates more moisture within the skin, decreases pore size, and increases circulation to provide a healthier skin tone.

Pain Management
Aside from cosmetic and anti-aging benefits, light therapy also provides relief from chronic and acute pain including muscle pain, joint pain, arthritis, high blood pressure, tissue and nerve damage, and can decrease injury healing time by stimulating white blood cell production. It is even used by professional athletes to promote healing with powerful results.

Mental Health
Exposure to light activates the hormone control center of the brain, and reduces the production of the sleep hormone, melatonin, which is directly linked to your mood, sleep patterns, and mental disorders such as depression. By reducing the production of melatonin during the day, your body is able to produce more at night, leading to a restful sleep. Light therapy can also reduce stress, increase productivity, and decrease the symptoms associated with jet lag.

Light Therapy has been proven to be effective in all three areas. While the effectiveness of using light boxes vary from person to person, it's important to always be done in the presence of a licensed practitioner, qualified doctor, or dermatologist.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy: Is it right for you?

Science has taken a lot of strides throughout the years. Researchers have the ability to cure and prevent diseases that were once known as silent killers. But, once in a while, a topic will continue to puzzle many people. Is it safe or not? Although Hormone Replacement Therapy was once routinely used to treat menopausal symptoms and protect long-term health, since a decade-long study showed alarming results from the therapy, it came to an abrupt halt. Today, those results have been questioned and now more doctors are introducing the therapy back into many people's lives. Is it for you?

As we get older, we lose hormones that could affect our energy levels, weight, sleep, libido, and could potentially have many other side effects. Hormone Replacement Therapy consists of medications containing those hormones the body no longer makes during the natural aging process. The most commonly used is Bioidentical Hormones. They're derived from plant chemicals, not synthesized in a laboratory and custom made just for you.

"Replacing your hormones can be extremely beneficial for people with chronic symptoms," Johanna Devryer, M.D., from Tampa Rejuvenation, in Tampa, Fla. says. She says some patients "don't even have to be pre-menopausal to need it. Losing those hormones can severely affect some people's lives. Some men and women have constant night sweats, loss of energy, and even depression."

Until recently, a large clinical trial found that the treatment actually posed more health risks than benefits, including breast cancer and stroke, especially in older women. "A lot of women were scared," Dr. Devryer said. But, recent studies out of Britain show the complete opposite and researchers have mentioned some flaws in the 2002 study, one of them being the use of synthetic hormones. Now the question remains: Is it safe?

"I feel like overall, it has been more accepted and more doctors are becoming aware of the benefits," Dr. Devryer said. "Bioidentical Hormones could be safe and the therapy could be used effectively without risks," she said.

Dr. Devryer believes it's all about creating an individualized plan and supplying constant monitoring. "I look at the best way to administer the drugs. Some people need shorter therapy, others benefit from longer therapy. It's all about knowing what's happening at all times," she said.

She says the therapy could potentially not be safe for people prone to certain conditions. "It's important to be aware that the therapy is not for everyone. Whenever we are dealing with medicine, there are risks," she said. Hormone therapy could also be beneficial to males.

If your symptoms are affecting your life, Dr. Devryer recommends seeing a doctor to see if the therapy is right for you. According to the Mayo Clinic, your age, type of menopause, and time since menopause play a significant role in the risks associated with hormone therapy.

What Your Smile Says About Your Health

We all know the importance of brushing, cleaning, and flossing our teeth. Memories of getting nagged to brush our teeth every night before bed, a process that has become ritual to most people, come to mind when we think of oral hygiene. However, as we get older, it becomes easier to forget about the importance of oral health because it is hidden inside of our mouths, making it less of a priority. We might not realize that our teeth can actually affect the health of our body as a whole. The status of your oral heath could affect or contribute to some disease including:

Cardiovascular Disease: More than 90 percent of patients with heart disease also have gum disease. Our mouths hold tons of bacteria. These bacteria can be linked to the cause of plaque in the arteries, inflammation, infections, and heart disease if released into the bloodstream. Research suggests that inflammation of the mouth can increase chances of inflammation throughout the body.

Pregnancy: During pregnancy, changes in hormones can affect changes in the mouth, making the gums more sensitive. Periodontitis, a severe form of gum disease, has been linked to premature birth and low birth weight. Scientists think that germs and their products can travel through the blood from the site of the gum disease to the womb.

Endocarditis: When harmful oral bacteria are released throughout the bloodstream and attach to damaged areas of the heart, it can cause an infection of the lining of the heart (Endocarditis).

Diabetes: People with diabetes are more likely to have gum disease because diabetes can lower the body's ability to fight off infections. Inflammation caused by periodontitis can weaken the body from controlling blood sugar levels.

The best ways to protect against unwanted health problems relating to your oral heath, are to visit the dentist every six months, brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day,and to eat a healthy diet.

Foods that are great for oral health:
Citrus Fruits: Fruits rich in Vitamin C such as guavas, kiwis, oranges, papayas, and strawberries, are great for gum health. Vitamin C is important for the health of gum tissue, and, without it, gums can become more vulnerable to bacteria caused by Periodontitis.

Vitamin A: Vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots, green leafy foods, and green peas are rich in Vitamin A, which helps promote enamel formation and aid with gum healing and prevents bleeding.

Calcium: Foods like yogurt, milk, and cheese, are full of calcium and are essential for bone health for a strong jaw and teeth.

Green Tea: Green tea is not only great for relaxation, but it can also help prevent gum disease, cavities, and bad breath. Green tea contains catechins, a type of antioxidant that can kill bacteria that lead to plaque and bad breath.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Say 'I Do' To The Perfect Wedding: How to Plan a Wedding to Remember

Weddings this year are big, glamorous and unforgettable. From the rings to reception, attention to detail is main priority for this year's happy couples. Every girl wants to feel like a princess on her big day, and let's just say, that Royal Wedding of William and Kate has led to many of the trends we are seeing this year.

Let's Start With Rings
Colored gems as engagement rings have been around for centuries, but Kate's sapphire ring has brought back the gemstone trend. Square-cut diamonds are a returning classic and sparkle so brilliantly.

Location, Location, Location
Once the question is popped, location must be set. Outside ceremonies make for a magical scene; landscape and plenty of floral will add to the elegance.

The Dress
Another direct result of the Royal Wedding: brides seeking out long-sleeved, lace dresses. Lace sleeves and illusion necklines are sheer, delicate and sleek. The style of your dress creates the overall look for your wedding. There are five basic styles: A-Line/Princess, Empire, Column, Ball Gown, and Mermaid. It all depends on your personal style. Bridesmaid dresses should also coordinate well with your dress. Keep in mind, your bridesmaids are going to be in all your pictures, you want them to look beautiful too.

Flowers and Colors
Flowers are the central part of any wedding decor. Before, flowers were simple, but now they are large and lush. You will see plenty of colorful and multi-textured bouquets in a variety of hues. Popular color schemes may range from creamy neutrals to more vibrant colors that pop like royal blue, lime green, and even sunset orange. When it comes to theme, many couples keep it simple and choose a coordinating color scheme, but themes may also range from a beach party to wine paradise to blockbuster films. The theme will be carried through into invitations, bachelor/bachelorette parties, ceremonies, and receptions.

Eat, Drink, and Be Married
When it comes to the reception, food, dancing, and cocktails are a must. Specialty food stations are becoming more common than a sit down meal. Food stations should individuality in the reception, and are only limited by the couples imagination. Guests also seem to prefer stations because of the variety of cuisine provided. It is hard to cater a meal that pleases a variety of tastes, but stations solve that problem. When it comes to music, DJ's are great. This allows guest to request songs and adds to the atmosphere. An idea, when you send out invitations, is to have your guests write in a song that they would like to hear and pass these requests to the DJ. When it comes to cocktails, open bar usually works best and is preferred by most guests. Ad something special by creating your own signature cocktail.

When it comes to dessert, the wedding cake is taking a backseat. Provide guests with options. Mini-desserts, cupcakes, and cake pops are taking (over) the cake. Of course, it's also important to have a wedding cake and popular flavors this year are vanilla, almond, and chocolate. Wedding cakes don't have to be over-the-top, or extremely pricey to make a lasting impression. Classic cakes dressed up with ribbons, flowers, beading, and jewels are picture perfect.

Picture Perfect
Speaking of pictures. What better way to remember your special day than with photo and a film? Videographers are becoming just as popular as photographers. It is a great way to relive your wedding day over and over again, as well as share special moments with your guests, family, and friends. A great favor, plus a lot of fun for guests, are photo booths. Photo booths keep guests entertained during cocktail hour. When it comes to professional photos, have fun with it. Some must-have shots: Through the wedding ring, a romantic lift, enthusiastic first kiss, holding parents wedding photos, frame within a frame, romantic dip, jump for joy, and jumping on a bed.

There is a lot that goes into a wedding, and you want it to be special, memorable, and unique. Wedding planners can hlep tie everything together for you and alleviate a little bit of the stress. Planners can also help you cut costs. The perfect day doesn't need to break the bank. Set a budget and plan accordingly. It should all be about being around loved ones anyways.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Yoga is for Every Body

Every day the phone rings at a yoga studio with someone stating, "My doctor recommended I try yoga." Similarly, callers will declare "I'm old, I'm overweight, I have arthritis, I have fibromyalgia, I can't balance." Many of these excuses wrapped in inquiry are from those afraid to try yoga. They've seen the cover of a yoga magazine or book in which the yoga practitioner is contorted, beautiful, 23, thin and smiling like this is how she wakes up. Yes, that yoga is available. No, that's no all there is.

People come to yoga for many different reasons, chief among them being stress-relief. This may be yoga's biggest gift. Yoga, in many of its forms, relaxes the body and calms the mind. This give the adrenal glands a break and takes us out of fight or flight, even if it's just for an hour so.

Our culture has escalated over the past few decades into a 'doer' mode. The more we do, the better people we are. Accomplishment and competition are everything. Children are over-scheduled, parents hold down or more jobs while still trying to shuttle kids to their various appointments and hold the family together. The economy has created a tremendous amount of stress. Homes and jobs being lost or even the threat of that happening, puts the body in constant readiness to react. Yoga helps take you from reaction mode to being able to respond. In other words, that tiny beat before jumping into reaction, you're able to consider how to respond.

Nearly every style of yoga can help relieve stress, from the gentlest to the most vigorous. If you're new to yoga, it is recommended that you start at a gentle or beginner level. The beginning level classes offer the most instruction for each pose, they move a little slower, and the teachers take a little more time to help align students and explain the benefits of each posture.

In most gentle classes, you will find every shape and size of body, ages ranging form teens to the nineties, and a very welcoming atmosphere. Everyone comes to yoga with their 'stuff'. The fact that someone can touch their toes, does not make them enlightened. People are working through injuries, illnesses, back trouble, work trouble, relationship issues, and stress, among other things.

In yoga, the focus is inward. As humans we will immediately visually assess a situation, like a yoga class, and make comparisons. 5-10 minutes into a gentle class, your attention will be brought from the external world of competition and ego, to the internal world of peace and self-acceptance.

As you become comfortable with the postures in the beginning levels, you may choose to try other more vigorous classes, or stay right where you are. It is always your practice. Always your choice.

There are many studios and many styles of yoga. Try the studio closest to your home or work. Or, the one your friend has been bugging you to go to. If it doesn't feel right, try another class, another teacher, or another studio. But, most of all, don't be afraid to try.