Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Declutter Your Room

Living with other people, even if that person is your spouse, can be tricky. You have to accommodate all of their things, and it can sometimes feel like you don't have enough room. Here are ways to create that room, and to create a space designed exactly how you want it.

1) Under the Bed Storage

Creating more room in a small space is always essential. Bed risers are a great way to add more storage room. You can add colorful bins and create a new look, or you can purchase a bed skirt to hide your storage. You can find bed risers at Target, IKEA, and even Walmart for an affordable price. You can even find bed risers with plugs so you can charge your phone and laptop.

2) Bathroom Hacks
When you have to share a room, it sometimes means sharing a bathroom. To avoid overstepping, you can create a magnetic wall for all of your beauty supplies. Magnetic strips are easy to find in any hardware store, and are easily attached with glue to your wall. You can create one for your makeup as well by attaching a little magnetic strip to the back of your makeup cases. It's easy, fun, and creative.

3) Double Your Closet Space

Soda can tabs are great to create extra hanging space. Loop the soda can tab onto the hanger's hook and you will be able to easily attach another hanger from the empty hole of the tab. Use shower curtain rings to hang scarves and put those old shoe boxes to good use by creating draw organizers for your tank tops.

4) Add Multipurpose Furniture

Most bedrooms only allow so much room: you can fit a bed and a desk, but not much else. If you add a floor ottoman, you can create storage and seating for guests without taking up too much space. You can find great options in many department stores that will fit your style.

Now that you have your room organized, it's time to decorate! Check the rules in the places that you live before you put any holes in the walls, or make any drastic changes to the space. Then, create a living area that will make you feel right at home!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Yoga Poses To Do At Your Desk

We all know how hard it can be to sit at your desk for eight straight hours. Your neck starts to hurt, your back aches, and it's horrible for your health. You need to stretch it out, but you also need to stay at your desk. The ultimate dilemma.

Here's the solution: These are several yoga poses that you can do at your desk. They will help to relax you, and work out some of your kinks. It's important to move, at least a little bit, while at your desk. It's horrible, for so many reasons, to not do anything for such a long period of time.

These poses will help you to feel more alert at your desk, and ready to conquer whatever tasks lay ahead of you.

Scale Pose: Sit at the edge of your chair, press your hands down on either side of your hips and raise your legs and butt up off the seat. Engage your deep abdominal muscles and keep the tops of your shoulders down; hold for 3 to 5 breaths. Lower and repeat 2 more times.

High Alter Pose: Inhale and lift your arms; clasp your hands and invert your palms. Lean to your left. Hold for 5 to 8 breaths, then switch sides.

Twist: Turn to your left. Use your left hand on the back of the chair to deepen the twist. Hold for 5 to 8 breaths, then twist to the other side.

Cow Face Arms: Bring your left arm behind your back and right arm behind your head. Clasp fingers if you can. Hold for 5 to 8 breaths; switch sides.

Ankle to Knee: Place your left foot on your right knee, letting left knee drop open. Keep your back straight; lean forward to stretch deeper. After 5 to 8 breaths, switch sides.

These poses will help you to stay limber throughout a grueling day of stagnancy. 
(Information and Pictures from Health.com)

Go to SearchMyCity.com to check out even more health tricks to keep you alert and fit! 

Friday, March 27, 2015

7 Things To Do When the Scale Won't Budge

Every diet has its glory days and its bad days. It's easier to see results in the first few weeks, but sooner or later your scale will stop cooperating and you will reach the plateau effect. This is normal - just because you are not seeing the numbers drop like it did in the beginning, doesn't mean your body is not going through changes. Here are seven tips to help you through it:

1) Get some sleep
A study published in the American Journal of Human Biology found that the sight of junk food following a sleepless night triggered the brain's reward centers, making the food seem more appealing and tempting. This also works for the buffet line - sleepless nights could mean bigger portions of food, another study found. Get some rest and fill your plate with the necessary foods that will keep you full the first time around and you won't need to make the trip back for seconds.

2) Understand You Calorie Intake
Don't expect the pounds to melt away at the same rate as your partners'. Everybody is different, so when you start your program, a good rule of thumb is to divide your weight by 100 and that's how many pounds you should strive to lose each week.

3) Form a New Habit
Snacking in the middle of the night is a natural thing to do when your diet throughout the day is not enough to keep you satisfied. You will see that some habits are harder to break than others, but don't let it discourage you. Try switching your usual midnight snack of chips for Greek yogurt, for example. Once your lifestyle has changed, and you are eating a more fulfilling diet, your body will learn to live without the snacks.

4) Avoid Fat Free Products
The name sounds good, but it's actually terrible. Manufacturers remove the fat, but still pack the product with sugar. If you have to pick, go for the Low Fat version.

5) Weigh Your Portions
We constantly hear about portion control when we are trying to lose weight. That's because today's portion sizes are almost triple than what the USDA recommends. You can downsize the weight without giving up your favorite foods by using a scale in your kitchen. Rely on portion sizes in grams, or ounces, instead of tablespoons or cups.

6) Don't Stress It - Really, Don't!
Stress plays a profound role on weight loss. When you worry, your body will produce a lot of cortisol; it will, in turn, then produce more insulin to buffer the effects of the cortisol. Insulin is a fat storing hormone, and will cause you to store more fat around the waist and help you retain sodium.

7) Start Taking Measurements
The number one rule of weight loss is to always remember to take your measurements! Sometimes fat turns into muscle and your scale won't keep up with you. Your Body Mass Index and heart rate are also just as important as the number on your scale. Make sure to constantly check those numbers as well.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Incorporating Fitness Daily

At one time or another, everyone has tried to lose weight. Perhaps those efforts were to no avail. It's important to eat the right things, and avoid the wrong things. We all know this. We also all know that exercise is key if you really want to shed those pounds. 

BUT, it can be incredibly difficult to stick to a fitness plan. You have to make the commitment, and often spend money, to find something that really works for you. How about the things you can do at home? It's much harder to gain the motivation when you have your soft bed calling your name from the other room. 

Here are a few tips to help you fit in some exercise into your daily activities/ chores:

1 - It's time to let go of making things easy. 
We all do it. We gather our hulk powers and grab all of the groceries so that we only have to make one trip. We bring a basket so that we can put all of our laundry into it after it's done drying. We make excuses, and we may not even realize we're doing it. Instead of trying to be a superhero, try only taking in one bag a time after a trip to the grocery. That way, you're going back and forth more often. Try taking one item from the laundry at a time. Stop lying to yourself. You're not in that much of a hurry that you can't take the stairs down or up, rather than take an elevator. If we stop being so efficient, we might be able to exercise more on a daily basis.

2 - Utilize your relaxing time.
Whether you love reading a book, watching TV, or listening to music, it's time to incorporate a little fitness into it. It can be a struggle to have to choose between watching the newest episode of your favorite show, and breaking a sweat. This way, you can do both. While the show is on, you can do crunches or lunges. You can lift weights, or do push ups. You can do jumping jacks, or leg lifts. If you're just too dedicated to your show, you can always do these exercises on commercials. 

3 - It's time to let go of the convenient. 
If you're going to wash your car, go ahead and do it by hand. You'll probably get out all of the dirt that's there, and you will have put in a solid period of time where you were moving around and flexing your muscles. Instead of driving the two minutes down the road for that drink you really want, walk. You'll appreciate the lemonade more if you've worked up a thirst by the time you get there. 

4 - Choose better fun activities.
You're hanging out with your friends, and you're having fun. You're watching a movie, or just sitting around drinking. Perhaps you even went out to dinner. While all of these things have a time and a place, you can always suggest more active things to do. You and all of your friends want to hang out, but are struggling to figure out what to do? Suggest going swimming, or going to a skating rink. Try out walking around a mall all day. You can even go outside and play a game of football or baseball. 

Staying healthy and fit is a struggle when you have a life outside of fitness. You want to come home and relax. However, if you take the extra few minutes, or incorporate the fitness into your relaxing time, you'll find that you have more energy to stay up and relax. You can find the time to exercise. Simply pay attention.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Welcome Dr. Anthony Pizzo Skin Savvy’s New Medical Director

With over 25 years experience in facial aesthetics, founder Toni Sloman has spent the last 10 years focusing on nonsurgical skin care and facial injections. Her Advanced Registered Nurse Practioners, Barbara Barcelona and Jennifer Cash, are highly skilled and experienced. They perform a variety of restorative laser procedures to the face and neck. The team is rounded out by medical aestheticians Veronique Jones and Jennifer Barnes, specializing in the latest and most advanced therapeutic skin care.

Facial Rejuvenation:

• Voluma
• Juvederm Ultra and Juvederm Ultra Plus
• Dysport
• Restylane and Perlane
• Botox

Laser Treatments:

• The Sciton ProFractional™ quickly and effectively treats wrinkles, acne scars, skin tone and texture, and pigment in a single pass treatment.
• The Sciton BBL (Broadband Light source) is the most versatile intense pulsed light system available.
• SkinTyte is a fast and effective laser therapy for improving the appearance of aging skin and activating growth of collagen. The procedure works to strengthen skin and increase its elasticity.

Skin Care Treatments:

• The Hydrafacial uses a vortex-fusion vacuum, providing cleansing, exfoliation, extraction and hydration, all while infusing antioxidants, peptides and Hyaluronic acid.
• The MicroPeel procedure is a three-step clinical procedure combining dermaplaning, chemical peeling and cryogenic ice therapy to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, laxity, dullness and skin imperfections.

Visit www.skinsavvyrx.com For up coming events!

Don't forget! If you take a look at searchmycity.com, you can find similar salons and spas near you!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

2015 Fashion Trend Report


1. Haute Hippie 
Festival season hit the runway with designers jumping on the Coachella bandwagon for fashion inspiration. Our favorite Bohemian pieces such as sheer baby-doll dresses, print trousers, and flowing vests will have us feeling haute-hippie this season. Pair your messy braid with a beaded headband and you’ll be festival bound in no time. 
2. Flower Bloom 
Despite floral designs being a regular spring trend, we are embracing blooms more than ever. Whether paired with denim for a casual look, or a tailored suit for a street chic vibe, bold and beautiful florals will have you investing in these pieces in no time. 
 3. Head to toe White 
It’s not about when you can wear white—it’s about how you wear it. Mixing shades of whites, patterns, or adding multiple layers are a few styling tricks that will polish this minimalistic trend. White may not be everyone’s favorite, but if styled correctly you can have this trend down in no time. 

4. Metallics 
This season we can’t get enough of the cool silvers and rich golds that will adorn any outfit and accessories you wear. Designers are incorporating dazzling looks with shades that were once reserved for jewelry. To transition your midwinter wardrobe into spring, try a bold skirt paired with an over-sized sweater or a toned-down blouse. 

5. Midriff’s 
We are bringing 90s back with our favorite crop tops. Making their comeback a few seasons back, the midriff is an effortless way to make any outfit street-chic. Wear it with a pair of tailored high-waisted trousers or as a 2-piece set and your favorite heels into the mix for a modern take on this feminine trend. 


1. Leather Jacket 
Light-weight leather jackets are becoming a warm-weather staple that can transition from fall to spring. Designers like Calvin Klein, Vince, and DKNY are transforming this classic piece into a year round must-have. Paired with a plaid button down, fitted jeans, and high-tops, this iconic item is worth making room in your closet for. 

2. Black and White 
A timeless classic that will always be in style. You can’t go wrong with black and white no matter what the occasion. Known for its monochromatic strictness, this combination can be seen in various styles ranging from abstract prints, tailored suits, to sleeveless jackets. 

3. Layering 
In general, layering is a fun way to mix different clothing pieces to create a cohesive look. It is normally seen during winter as we transition our wardrobe into spring, making it convenient to have pieces you can take off throughout the day. When layering clothes, make sure each visible layer can be something you can wear on its own. 

4. Bermuda Shorts 
Designers like J.Crew and Lacoste provided us with a new way of embracing our favorite to-go shorts especially when paired with a lightweight sweater or short sleeve button down. For an on-the-go look, add a messenger bag and your favorite loafers. 

5. Dapper 
This season, it’s all about creating a strong statement by mixing classic, modern, and contemporary trends. Fitted blazers in plaid linen and crew neck t-shirts recreate a Dapper-inspired trend that is blowing up this spring. For a more polished look, pair your favorite blazer with cuffed chinos and oxfords.