Thursday, March 26, 2015

Incorporating Fitness Daily

At one time or another, everyone has tried to lose weight. Perhaps those efforts were to no avail. It's important to eat the right things, and avoid the wrong things. We all know this. We also all know that exercise is key if you really want to shed those pounds. 

BUT, it can be incredibly difficult to stick to a fitness plan. You have to make the commitment, and often spend money, to find something that really works for you. How about the things you can do at home? It's much harder to gain the motivation when you have your soft bed calling your name from the other room. 

Here are a few tips to help you fit in some exercise into your daily activities/ chores:

1 - It's time to let go of making things easy. 
We all do it. We gather our hulk powers and grab all of the groceries so that we only have to make one trip. We bring a basket so that we can put all of our laundry into it after it's done drying. We make excuses, and we may not even realize we're doing it. Instead of trying to be a superhero, try only taking in one bag a time after a trip to the grocery. That way, you're going back and forth more often. Try taking one item from the laundry at a time. Stop lying to yourself. You're not in that much of a hurry that you can't take the stairs down or up, rather than take an elevator. If we stop being so efficient, we might be able to exercise more on a daily basis.

2 - Utilize your relaxing time.
Whether you love reading a book, watching TV, or listening to music, it's time to incorporate a little fitness into it. It can be a struggle to have to choose between watching the newest episode of your favorite show, and breaking a sweat. This way, you can do both. While the show is on, you can do crunches or lunges. You can lift weights, or do push ups. You can do jumping jacks, or leg lifts. If you're just too dedicated to your show, you can always do these exercises on commercials. 

3 - It's time to let go of the convenient. 
If you're going to wash your car, go ahead and do it by hand. You'll probably get out all of the dirt that's there, and you will have put in a solid period of time where you were moving around and flexing your muscles. Instead of driving the two minutes down the road for that drink you really want, walk. You'll appreciate the lemonade more if you've worked up a thirst by the time you get there. 

4 - Choose better fun activities.
You're hanging out with your friends, and you're having fun. You're watching a movie, or just sitting around drinking. Perhaps you even went out to dinner. While all of these things have a time and a place, you can always suggest more active things to do. You and all of your friends want to hang out, but are struggling to figure out what to do? Suggest going swimming, or going to a skating rink. Try out walking around a mall all day. You can even go outside and play a game of football or baseball. 

Staying healthy and fit is a struggle when you have a life outside of fitness. You want to come home and relax. However, if you take the extra few minutes, or incorporate the fitness into your relaxing time, you'll find that you have more energy to stay up and relax. You can find the time to exercise. Simply pay attention.

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