Monday, April 13, 2015

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy: Is it right for you?

Science has taken a lot of strides throughout the years. Researchers have the ability to cure and prevent diseases that were once known as silent killers. But, once in a while, a topic will continue to puzzle many people. Is it safe or not? Although Hormone Replacement Therapy was once routinely used to treat menopausal symptoms and protect long-term health, since a decade-long study showed alarming results from the therapy, it came to an abrupt halt. Today, those results have been questioned and now more doctors are introducing the therapy back into many people's lives. Is it for you?

As we get older, we lose hormones that could affect our energy levels, weight, sleep, libido, and could potentially have many other side effects. Hormone Replacement Therapy consists of medications containing those hormones the body no longer makes during the natural aging process. The most commonly used is Bioidentical Hormones. They're derived from plant chemicals, not synthesized in a laboratory and custom made just for you.

"Replacing your hormones can be extremely beneficial for people with chronic symptoms," Johanna Devryer, M.D., from Tampa Rejuvenation, in Tampa, Fla. says. She says some patients "don't even have to be pre-menopausal to need it. Losing those hormones can severely affect some people's lives. Some men and women have constant night sweats, loss of energy, and even depression."

Until recently, a large clinical trial found that the treatment actually posed more health risks than benefits, including breast cancer and stroke, especially in older women. "A lot of women were scared," Dr. Devryer said. But, recent studies out of Britain show the complete opposite and researchers have mentioned some flaws in the 2002 study, one of them being the use of synthetic hormones. Now the question remains: Is it safe?

"I feel like overall, it has been more accepted and more doctors are becoming aware of the benefits," Dr. Devryer said. "Bioidentical Hormones could be safe and the therapy could be used effectively without risks," she said.

Dr. Devryer believes it's all about creating an individualized plan and supplying constant monitoring. "I look at the best way to administer the drugs. Some people need shorter therapy, others benefit from longer therapy. It's all about knowing what's happening at all times," she said.

She says the therapy could potentially not be safe for people prone to certain conditions. "It's important to be aware that the therapy is not for everyone. Whenever we are dealing with medicine, there are risks," she said. Hormone therapy could also be beneficial to males.

If your symptoms are affecting your life, Dr. Devryer recommends seeing a doctor to see if the therapy is right for you. According to the Mayo Clinic, your age, type of menopause, and time since menopause play a significant role in the risks associated with hormone therapy.

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